Thursday 6 December 2012

What do directors seek to establish in the openings of thrillers?

The opening of a thriller is undoubtably one of the most crutial parts of a thriller, a good opening will completely hook an audience by setting up good enigma's which quickly maike the audience question why? Why is this happening? Who is this character? Yet the opening will also establish certain aspects of the film, such as lead characters or atleast the lead character, not only this but themes, moods and locations are usually hinted at which should draw the audience in.

An example of a very good enigmatic thriller opening, is the opening of 'Se7en' when inspector Summerset is introduced to the audience.


  1. I can see how you will develop this further: you've begun to outline some of the key techniques and aspects of thriller openings. I suggest you use some still images in your discussion of Se7en so that you can begin to look at the use of mise en scene alongside sound (and how the mise en scene/ props are used to construct the character).

  2. The discussion of Whitechapel is particularly effective here: you examine details of mise en scene and editing intelligently, exploring the claustrophobia and noir-ish aspects well. Strong research.

  3. Remove the label G321 Thriller Research (so it's ONLY G321 Thriller Planning)

  4. Ignore my last comment here: this post should be G321 Thriller Research (not planning).

